Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Meet the Yadahs

I though it would be nice to formally introduce ourselves. Reader meet the Yadahs, and perhaps you'll visit often enough to introduce yourself as well. Our leader is none other than Rob. . . formerly known in strange circles as "big mac", now simply called "daddy".

My man is a fantastic musician and along with "the band" as I've dubbed them --praise is lifted up in our toy room. Livi and Isaiah on the guitar and Fea. . .using her drumstick to hit anything not moving quickly enough. . .yep, she's our little spit-fire, that girl. . .

Never, of course to be outdone by her brother. The "one-man-demolition-team". My nephew once asked my dad, "How long do you think it would take for Isaiah to tear down a house?" My dad affectionately responded, "with or without tools".

But really. . . is there anything sweeter than this face?

And keeping the entire kid-crew in place is my first born. My little leader. . .

Thankfully, taking it all in stride. . . I'll introduce the latest peanuts really soon.

May you be abundantly blessed. Stop by and see us often.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Our Crazy Name

You may wonder about the origin of our blog name. We wanted something unique--to me it sounded a bit weird until I discovered what the words meant. Obviously the Seven refers to us. I am currently expecting twins, so that will put our number at seven. "McGuire" (our last name) is of course Irish and "Yadah" is one of the Hebrew words for worshiper. We truly want our family to be a family that worships the Most High God. Thus the name. . . we discovered that Yadah means "to worship with the extended hand. The giving of oneself in worship and adoration. To lift your hands unto the Lord. It carries the meaning of absoulute surrender as a young child does to a parent "- "pick me up, I'm all yours"

What a lovely thought. My little ones kinda captured that in the pictures with their dad.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year--New Blog

Our family is happy to begin the new year with a new blog. We simply can't wait to share our lives with you! And we hope, in turn you'll share with us. Life is much sweeter when shared. First, let me introduce our crew. The leader of the "yadahs" is my sweet husband Rob. He keeps us sane and on task and is by far the best worshiper in the family. He will grab his guitar and sing a praise melody even if he only has 30 seconds of free time. Our oldest daughter is Alivia (otherwise known lovingly as Livi-Pivi). She has captured my heart from the moment I gazed into her eyes and rubbed her mighty big feet. She is a beauty, both inside and out. I can't wait to share how wonderful she is. Our oldest son is Isaiah (who refers to himself as yah-yah). Nothing in my life could have prepared me for parenting him. He is a whirlwind, and has challenged every parenting notion I had, and many I tried to learn. But in return, not much has been sweeter than watching him grow. I am absolutely certain that God is going to harness that tornado and use him powerfully. Oh yes, he is absolutely the most handsome child (does every momma feel this way?)! Our youngest is Sophia (who calls herself Fea) and she looks so much like her daddy that friends call her Robinette. She is our runt. The smallest for her age of any of our children and the boss of the rest. She takes her role of bossy baby very serious. Of course, she gets away with it because we are all smitten with her. We are also expecting twins in a couple of months. Yes, sometimes God smiles, maybe even chuckles and decides to make life truly exciting. And without Him this would all be terrifying! I'll be your host most of the time on this crazy blog. I am Joy, the momma and wife who is grateful beyond words to be those things. Can't wait to travel along with you all!